Monday, October 28, 2013

Retirement was inevitable and similarly writing this blog was in editable, for last 24 years the man has carried billions of expectation on his shoulders and one fine day he decides to call it quits. Ya we knew it was coming but still not coming to terms that we will no longer see SACHIN in whites, he had created a auro for himself that use to assure us nothing can go wrong till he is there,it was a unspoken assurance, he made us believe and have a self belief, we used to forget all the tensions when he used to be in full flow,even a vegetable vendor used to welcome us with a smile, when he had hit a ton. The important thing was his fitness and the discipline and sincerity with which he used to do his work ethics and more importantly the way he use to carry himself with humility and grace,he never let success go to his head and always kept teams interest in front then the personal milestone, people may argue who is better Sir don or Sachin, but for me Saching is great,cez he played against all attacks and not only played but dominated. Sachin ur simply the best.